13th Hara Games @ Campion School

On Thursday 11th May 2023, Campion School hosted once again the “Hara Games”. This heart-warming event brought together more than 200 individuals with special needs, 70 of their assistants as well as almost 100 volunteers from our community.

After a three-year break owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, Campion eagerly joined forces with the Hara Centre for people with special needs to organise a day filled with athletics, music, dance and…food (thanks to the relentless efforts of Campion parents!) Year 12 students, teachers and parents volunteered to help run this meeting. Many Year 12s but also a number of parents acted also as “partner athletes”, fostering a sense of unity by running side by side with disabled athletes.

Following the opening ceremony, there was the parade of all schools and Greek dances which were enjoyed and appreciated by all. The volunteers walked, ran, helped in the long jump and the javelin throwing events and by so doing they ensured the smooth running of the Games. The final touch to this event included learning how to dance “capoeira” and, of course, receiving volunteer certificates and medals.

The Hara Games helped raise awareness to the challenges faced by people with intellectual and physical disabilities, highlighting the importance of accepting these people as equal members of our society. It was an experience which left a lasting emotional impact on Campion students, parents and staff nurturing a sense of respect and admiration for disabled individuals. This feeling was extremely strong especially in students for whom it was their first time they interacted with such people.

The event provided an opportunity to socialise and created an environment where everyone felt valued and included. Campion School’s dedication to organising the Hara Games demonstrated its unwavering support for the special individuals, ultimately contributing to a more compassionate and understanding community.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those who contributed in every way possible to make this event a success. We hope to see you all next year!

Chrysa Bardopoulou, Y12

Ines Saltiel, Y12