Year 12 TOK Presentations & Prize-Giving

Our Year 12 TOK presentation and prize-giving event was an excellent way to mark the end of the year by better acquainting the parents of IB1 students with the Theory of Knowledge component of the IB Diploma programme and acknowledging students who have excelled in various areas throughout the course of the year. Well done to all! A full list of prizewinners is found below:

Year 12 Prizes

Maths                                                                   Angelos Giannopoulos

Upper School Biology                                        Elia Kanna

Upper School Chemistry                                   Ariam Antar

Upper School Physics                                       Georgianna Alepochoriti

Environmental Systems & Societies               George Artinos

Classics founders’ Prize                                   Ella Lialiou

Business                                                             Orfeas Rekouniotis

Music                                                                   Nicholas Tartaras

X-Country Boy/Overall Sportsman                  David Fourmouzis

CAS                                                                      Dimosthenis Despotides

Greek Dancing                                                    Rosa Eleftheriou

Yearbook Committee                                        Ronan Nitsche/Rad Jowker Dris

Year 12 Pupil                                                      Ronan Nitsche