Special Olympics Hellas @ Authentic Athens Marathon

On Sunday 12th November 2023, our Year 12s and 13s took part in the Special Olympics Hellas Fun Run of 1200m. Luckily, due to the 40th Authentic Marathon of Athens, more students from the 5k managed to join us in this exciting experience after completing their participation. It has been a tradition for our school to support the athletes of Special Olympics Hellas on many different occasions.

We began our day early, gathering at 9:30 am at Syntagma Square in front of the Parliament. The abundant amount of people at the Panathinaikos Stadium created a very vibrant atmosphere and constant cheer from the moment we arrived until the very end of the race, which automatically motivated and uplifted everyone participating in the event but at the same time made us all thoughtful. It was an unforgettable experience that we hope to relive in the near future!

Agapi Metaxa (Y12)

Daria Arcus (Y12)