11th Annual MUN Conference

The 11th session of CSMUN was a huge success with 508 participants and schools from Zambia, Turkey, Italy and Romania. It was my first year as a member of the Press and immediately I was awed by the buzz in all of the committees; delegates brimming with excitement, Student Officers taking advantage of all their years of experience to guide the younger delegates, the Secretariat running to and fro, effectively ensuring that the procedures were followed to a high standard.

We would like to thank our guest speakers, Mrs Sellwood, Mr Garner and Mr Ghannem as well as Mr Henderson for their inspiring speeches.

Our thanks also goes out to the Admin, Security, Approval Panel, Admin staff, IT staff and cleaning ladies who worked incredibly hard to ensure the smooth running of the conference. A special thanks to our SLT team for their support and all members of Campion Staff who contributed to its organisation. Our Press Team managed to produce two newspapers for the conference with photos of the Greek Dancers who performed admirably and met with a resounding applause as did Mr Fahy and myself for our musical performance. Congratulations to those who won Best Delegate awards and Honourable Mentions. Finally, a heartfelt thank you to our organisers and to our parents who encouraged their children to participate.

Maria-Louisa Vichou

Year 12