World School Games Dubai 2024

We were proud to be part of the annual World School Games tournament this year in Dubai. Our team took part in the athletics competition, swimming competition as well as the football tournament. We got to experience the thrill of competing at some of the world’s most iconic venues and experienced friendship and skill on another level.

With the trip to Dubai being a once in a lifetime opportunity for some of us, we gave it our all to come this far and win 4th place overall for Campion. We achieved nine medals in the athletics competition as well as the girls winning 3rd place in the football tournament. Our overall performance was outstanding; none of us could have believed that we would make it as far as being crowned 4th place winners amongst some of the world’s best sporting schools.

We all have to thank our coaches Ms Gargareta, Mr Pasios and Mr Karamitsos for improving our skill and understanding our efforts. They led us to our victory and our 4th place trophy.

In Campion we believe that it’s not only about winning but also about participating and having fun. So as well as the games, we went on a safari, rode camels and even sand-boarded. We enjoyed our time there as much as possible, savouring each moment. Our time in Dubai and our participation in the World School Games have been a life- changing experience which will be kept as a memory, forever.

Danae Katopodi

Stella Konstantakopoulou

Year 8