My Campion

At the end of May, a group of 37 pupils studying Spanish B and Spanish Ab Initio in Year 12 with their Spanish teachers (Mrs Conesa, Mr García and Mrs Martí), celebrated a night out at a Mexican restaurant in Nea Erythrea. There, we enjoyed 
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Year 12 Art pupils attended an enriching etching workshop to enhance their artistic knowledge as they progress in the IB Visual Arts course. The workshop provided a unique opportunity for pupils to delve into the intricate techniques of etching, allowing them to explore new techniques. 
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On 17th May, the 14th Annual HARA Games were hosted at Campion School. This year this event involved over 20 schools for people with special needs, 300 athletes, and over 100 volunteers, partner athletes, parents, and staff. A number of track and field events were 
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Our Year 12 TOK presentation and prize-giving event was an excellent way to mark the end of the year by better acquainting the parents of IB1 students with the Theory of Knowledge component of the IB Diploma programme and acknowledging students who have excelled in 
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At the end of last term, Year 12 CAS students attended the Helmepa Mega Beach Clean-up. HELMEPA is a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting and conserving the marine environment through initiatives such as beach and sea clean-ups, as well as educational programmes. This event took 
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What a successful Under-14 basketball tournament for Campion this week! All six international schools took part and both our boys’ and girls’ teams were in the finals! The girls came 1st overall!! And the boys came 2nd! Well done Campion!! What a performance! G Pasios 
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Well done to all of the Year 7 students who participated in our Year 7 concert on Thursday 14th March. You were all superstars! We had wonderful performances from some soloists, our choir and fantastic whole class performances with musical arrangements from our very own Ms 
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Last Friday 15th March, Campion Senior School celebrated Greek carnival. Greece’s carnival season, known as “Apokries”, is the festive season preceding Lent, a period of masquerading, eating, drinking and dancing, which reaches its peak with extravagant parades of giant floats and colorful street groups. Traditionally, 
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Twelve Campion School delegates (from years 9-12) took part in the annual Harvard Model Congress Europe on the beautiful Spanish island of Mallorca from 8th-11th March. Negotiating with participants from other schools across Europe, our delegates gave impassioned speeches and worked with determination and dedication 
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On Friday 15th March, Emily Konstantas, an esteemed advocate for Human Rights in Education, was our honoured guest speaker. She engaged our Year 9 and Year 10 pupils as part of the Global Perspectives course, providing enriching insights and invaluable experiences for both pupils and 
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