
Dear Parents, The billing statements have now been sent through the post to all families. As you know there is a 5% pre-collected discount if all tuition fees are paid by Wednesday 31st July 2024. If you have already paid the tuition fees for the forthcoming academic 
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Dear Parents, I am delighted to share with you the remarkable success our students have achieved in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme this year. As every year, 5th July marks the day that our graduating class receives their IB exam results. Our average score of 36 points 
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Dear Parents, We would like to thank the parents present at the PRC Annual General Meeting held on 21st June 2024 and inform you that following the “graduation” of Delia Alchanati (current Chair) the existing members of the team, having formed new friendships and special bonds based on 
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Dear Parent/Guardian, The provisional predicted grade in each IB subject will be available to download from the parent portal after 17:00 this evening. Please note that there is no grade for Theory of Knowledge or the Extended Essay. These are preliminary predictions and can change 
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Dear Parents, You will be able to access the Year 12 term report and summer exam results from the Parent Portal. Mrs Siani will be in communication regarding provisional predicted grades for university applications.  The summer exams are used to familiarise students with the exam 
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Dear Parents, I would like to inform you of a few matters concerning the IB programme. Registration for the IB Diploma programme must be confirmed by Tuesday 3rd September. This will be done electronically via an online form and there is no need for parents and 
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Dear Parents, IB results can be collected from school after 17:00 pm on Friday 5th July and advice concerning the securing of university places will be available then from Mrs Siani and myself. Where students need to take action to secure a university place (for example, if their 
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Dear Parents, I would like to inform you of a few matters concerning the IB programme. Registration for the IB Diploma programme must be confirmed by Tuesday 3rd September. This will be done electronically via an online form and there is no need for parents and 
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Dear Parents, I would like to inform you that there are two or three vacancies left on the Year 12 Epidavros CAS trip. If your son/daughter wishes to participate, please deposit the amount of 260 Euros in the school’s account by Monday 24th June, at the latest, and 
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Dear Parents, The Graduation Ceremony 2024 video is now ready. It will only be available as an .mp4 file on a USB stick (to be collected in person from Mr Aki). The cost is €15 per copy (to be given in cash to Mr Aki when you or your child comes 
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