In 1970, Campion was established with the following three Founding Aims:
• To achieve academic excellence for the English-speaking community of Athens;
• To create a wholesome environment based on moral values to enable pupils to develop their characters and become responsible citizens in their respective communities;
• To engender and develop an understanding and love for Greece and for Greek ideals.
We believe that children will learn if they feel happy and secure, and if their natural curiosity is aroused. They learn best when they are actively involved in the learning, with skilled teachers to guide them. Children learn at different speeds and in different ways. As a school, our aim is to provide an atmosphere and a richness of experience within which each child’s unique qualities can flourish. Our curriculum has been developed from the British system combined with the use of the International Primary Curriculum. Full advantage is taken of the special relationship we have with our host country Greece, and the excellent opportunities our pupils have to study Greece’s uniquely rich heritage. Our overarching aim is to develop confident individuals who are successful learners and responsible citizens.
More specifically we aim to:
• Provide a secure and happy environment that supports the development of the whole child;
• Encourage and nurture each child’s strengths and address any weaknesses;
• Inspire a love of learning so that children become lifelong learners;
• Promote self-respect and respect for all people whatever their religion, ethnicity, gender, ability or disability;
• Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is taught creatively, encouraging collaboration, independence and an investigative approach;
• Have high expectations of behaviour and academic achievement;
• Recognise the crucial role which parents play in their children’s education and make every effort to encourage parental involvement in the educational process;
• Develop links within the local and wider communities;
• Ensure that children develop strong skills in literacy, mathematics and information and communication technology (ICT);
• Develop children’s appreciation of the arts;
• Help children to develop strong English language skills to support their work across the curriculum;
• Foster a sense of belonging to a community.
The Junior School is divided into 4 stages as follows: Early Years Nursery and Reception (3-5 years of age) Milepost 1 Years 1-2 (5-7 years of age) Milepost 2 Years 3-4 (7-9 years of age) Milepost 3 Years 5-6 (9-11 years of age) This curriculum guide applies to Years 1-6. There is a separate guide for Early Years.
Throughout Junior School, all children are placed in the care of their class teacher who is responsible for their learning and daily welfare. Although the class teachers do the bulk of the teaching, specialist teaching is provided for physical education, music, Greek, Arabic, English as an Additional Language and Learning Support. Experienced assistants work alongside the class teachers in the younger/larger classes.
Private instrumental lessons are offered as an extra to pupils from Year Three and above. These lessons include piano, violin, cello, flute, guitar, clarinet and saxophone. Tuition takes place during the day. The school also offers a wide variety of optional extra-curricular activities in the form of after-school clubs and lunchtime clubs. There is a school nurse on site who keeps medical records and is always on hand to care for sick children and deal with accidents.
The programmes for mathematics and English are based on the National Curriculum for mathematics and English for England. All other subjects are taught through a cross-curricular approach to learning, using the International Primary Curriculum. Greek and Arabic (for native speakers) are also offered. Mathematics Mathematics is taught every day throughout Junior School. Where possible, children’s learning in mathematics is based on practical experience and investigation. When appropriate, learning in mathematics is linked with learning in other areas of the curriculum, for instance, data handling in ICT and measuring in science.
Milepost 1
The principal focus of mathematics teaching at this stage is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This involves working with numerals, words and the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, including with practical resources (for example, concrete objects and measuring tools). At this stage, pupils develop their ability to recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort different shapes and use the related vocabulary. Teaching also involves using a range of measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.
Milepost 2
At this stage teaching aims to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. Pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers. They develop the ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value. Teaching also ensures that pupils draw with increasing accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and their properties, and confidently describe the relationships between them. They learn to use measuring instruments with accuracy and make connections between measure and number.
Milepost 3
The principal focus of mathematics teaching at this stage is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place values to include larger integers. This develops the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios. At this stage, pupils develop their ability to solve a wider range of problems, including increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems demanding efficient written and mental methods of calculation. With this foundation in arithmetic, pupils are introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems. Teaching in geometry and measures consolidates and extends knowledge developed in number. Teaching also ensures that pupils classify shapes with increasingly complex geometric properties and that they learn the vocabulary they need to describe them.
English is taught every day throughout Junior School and children follow a balanced programme of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Children learn best when their reading and writing have a clear purpose and audience so, where possible, children’s work in literacy is linked to learning in other areas of the curriculum. Children may, for instance, develop their reading skills by researching facts for a science topic, or develop narrative skills by writing from the perspective of a historical character. Regular assemblies, as well as class circle times and drama sessions, provide children with opportunities to write for and speak to an audience.
Milepost 1
Children develop their spoken language skills by listening and responding to adults and other children, asking questions to extend their understanding, learning new vocabulary related to topics or daily life, articulating and justifying answers and opinions and giving well-structured explanations and narratives, for example in showand-tell activities. By listening to and discussing a wide range of stories, poems, plays and information books children develop their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. They learn the main speech sounds in English and the letters that represent them and how to blend these to read words independently. Emphasis is placed on developing phonics skills which enable children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step. Through the process of modelled writing, children become familiar with the skills and processes essential to writing and begin to use this knowledge when composing their own texts.
Milepost 2
During this stage children learn to adapt the way they speak and write to suit different situations, purposes and audiences. They use discussion and conversation to explore and speculate about new ideas, begin to recognise the need to use Standard English in some contexts, participate in performances, plays and debates and explain their thinking and feeling in well-structured statements and responses. Children build on their reading skills, developing their vocabulary and the breadth and depth of their reading. They develop their understanding and enjoyment of stories, poetry, and plays. They also develop their knowledge and skills in reading non-fiction texts about a wide range of subjects. Basic writing skills such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and handwriting are consolidated and children are taught to enhance the effectiveness of what they write.
Milepost 3
At this stage children become more competent at speaking clearly in a range of contexts. They are given the opportunity to participate in public speaking, performance and debate to extend their enjoyment and mastery of language. Children read widely and frequently and teachers continue to emphasise enjoyment and understanding of language to support children in their reading and writing. They continue to build on their composition skills and their knowledge of the conventions of different types of writing.
International Primary Curriculum
Through their learning with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), children focus on a combination of academic, personal and international learning that is exciting and challenging. The aim of the IPC is to help every child enjoy a wide range of subjects and to develop an enquiring mind, the personal attributes that will help throughout teenage and adult years, and to develop a sense of his or her own nationality and culture, whilst at the same time developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others. Through the IPC’s approach to learning, children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to make a positive contribution to the world of tomorrow. Children learn through following cross-curricular, thematic units of work. In addition to the personal goals embedded into the programme, within each unit they work on curriculum subjects as follows:
Years 1 and 2 Children observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and forces. They work together to collect evidence and information from simple reference sources and use these to help answer questions linked to simple scientific ideas. They evaluate evidence and start to understand the concept of a ‘fair’ test. Children share their ideas using scientific language, drawings and simple charts and tables. Years 3-6 Children build on their knowledge of living things, materials and processes. They begin to make links between ideas and explain things using simple models and theories. Children begin to think about the positive and negative impacts of scientific developments on the environment and human societies. They are able to design and carry out fair experiments and communicate the results of these using a range of scientific language and conventional charts, graphs and diagrams.
Years 1 and 2 Children investigate their local area and a contrasting area, finding out about the environment in both areas and the people who live there. They also begin to learn about the wider world. They carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. In doing this, they ask geographical questions about people, places and environments, and use geographical skills and resources such as maps and photographs. Years 3-6 Children continue to learn about places and environments in the world around them and they start to make links between different places in the world. They are encouraged to think about environmental issues and how places and environments are affected by natural processes and human activities. They learn about the characteristics of natural features and processes and about the diversity of human activity. They are encouraged to think about the similarities and differences between places and environments and how their own lives and those of other people are affected by geographical and environmental factors. They learn to use maps, atlases and globes.
Years 1 and 2 Children learn about the past in relation to the present. They learn how the past is different from the present. They learn about the lives of people in the past and begin to learn ways of finding out about the past. Years 3-6 Children are taught about ways of finding out about the past, the ways in which the past has been recorded and interpreted, and about the lives of people in the past. They learn about the cultural, political, social, economic and personal aspects of past societies. Children are encouraged to identify the similarities and differences between the past and the present and to think about how their own lives are affected by historical influences.
Years 1 and 2 Children develop their creativity and imagination by exploring the visual, tactile and sensory qualities of materials and processes. They learn about the role of art, craft and design in their environment. They begin to understand colour, shape and space and pattern and texture and use them to represent their ideas and feelings. They study the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures. Years 3-6 Children develop their creativity and imagination through more complex activities. These help to build on their skills and improve their control of materials, tools and techniques. They increase their critical awareness of the roles and purposes of art, craft and design in different times and cultures. They become more confident in using visual and tactile elements and materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. They learn to appreciate and enjoy other people’s visual expressions.
Years 1 and 2 Children explore ICT and learn to use it confidently and with purpose to achieve specific outcomes. They start to use ICT to develop their ideas and record their creative work. They become familiar with hardware and software. Years 3-6 Children begin to use a wider range of ICT tools and information sources to support their work in other subjects. They develop their research skills and decide what information is appropriate for their work. They begin to question the plausibility and quality of information. They learn how to amend their work and present it in a way that suits their audience. Design, Technology, Innovation Years 1 and 2 Children learn how to think imaginatively and talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making. They build on their early childhood experiences of investigating objects around them. They explore how familiar things work and talk about, draw and model their ideas. They learn how to design and create and start to use ICT as part of their designing and making. Years 3-6 Children work on their own and as part of a team on a range of designing and creating activities. They think about what products are used for and the needs of the people who use them. They plan what has to be done and identify what works well and what could be improved in their own and other people’s designs. They draw on knowledge and understanding from other areas of the curriculum and use computers in a range of ways. They are encouraged to assess the effects of technology on people’s lives.
Personal Goals
Through the teaching of IPC, children are encouraged to develop eight personal goals. These goals aim to develop children’s ability to be empathetic, respectful, adaptable, resilient, ethical, thinkers, collaborators, and communicators.
Years 1 and 2 Children listen carefully and respond physically to a wide range of music including the work of musicians from different cultures. They play percussion instruments and sing a variety of songs from memory, adding accompaniments and creating short compositions of their own. They explore and enjoy how sounds and silence can create different moods and effects. Years 3-6 Children sing and play both percussion and tuned instruments with increasing skill and expression. They improvise their own musical compositions in response to a variety of different stimuli with increasing creativity and independence. Children explore their thoughts and feelings through response to a variety of music from different cultures and historical periods. By performing themselves or as an audience, children learn to appreciate, respect and enjoy musical compositions and performances.
Physical Education
Years 1 and 2 Children build on their natural enthusiasm for movement, using it to explore and learn about their world. They start to work and play with other children in pairs and small groups. By watching, listening and experimenting, they develop their skills in movement and coordination and enjoy expressing and testing themselves in a variety of situations. Years 3-6 Children continue to enjoy being active and they use their creativity and imagination in physical activity. Through participation in a range of activities, children develop their physical competence and confidence. They learn about teamwork and communication and also identify factors which contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Greek Culture and History
Throughout work with the International Primary Curriculum there is an emphasis on the host country. Teachers take full advantage of the school’s position in Greece. Much use is made of the local environment and children are taught about local traditions. Close relations have been set up with various museums in Athens and full use is made of the educational programmes on offer. Every year the children in Year Six go on a four-day excursion to Nafplion and the surrounding countryside to enrich their classroom studies.
Personal, Social, and Health Education
Through their study of the above curriculum subjects, the Jigsaw PSHE programme and participation in all other aspects of school life, children learn about living as members of groups. They learn about the rights and responsibilities of individuals as members of groups and about the main political and social institutions and systems. Children are supported to reach an understanding of the independence and interdependence of peoples, countries and cultures in order to develop both a national and an international perspective. They are encouraged to develop a sense of mindfulness, allowing them to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
Greek Teaching
Greek provides pupils with knowledge and understanding of the Greek language and traditions, in order to increase their awareness of the culture of the host country and to encourage enthusiastic, self-confident participation within the Greek community.
The course focuses on:
● Using the language as means of communication within the wider community;
● Developing the use of creative language;
● Developing an understanding of language and the process of language learning. There are two levels of Greek in the Junior School: Greek as a Native Language and Greek as a Foreign Language. Emphasis is given in developing the three basic areas of the curriculum: Listening and responding (speaking), reading and writing.
Pupils for whom Greek is their first language are offered Greek classes from Y1 (three lessons weekly after Christmas), provided that their English language skills are at a satisfactory level. Native and foreign Greek speakers attend lessons daily from Year 2 to Year 6. The broad aims of native Greek lessons are to:
● Hold a conversation and report chronological events;
● Express opinions appropriately, giving reasons; ● Analyse texts orally and in writing;
● Read a variety of texts and library books for pleasure and make presentations;
● Compose own texts applying the grammar and spelling rules in writing;
● Become familiar with aspects of Greek mythology and history;
● Develop an understanding and appreciation of Greek literature and poetry;
● Become familiar with Greek traditions, customs and celebrations. The broad aims of Greek as a foreign language are to:
● Develop the knowledge, understanding and listening, reading, speaking and writing skills, necessary for effective interaction in Modern Greek;
● Use structures and features of the language that will allow pupils to function in a range of practical situations. Recognise and respond to words, phrases and simple sentences in spoken and written Modern Greek;
● Explore relationships between English and Greek language. Demonstrate understanding of significant cultural values and practices;
● Develop respect for and appreciation of the people, traditions and way of life in Greece. The acquisition of a language is a cumulative process. At each stage, pupils develop greater breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes.
Children who are native Arabic speakers may follow Arabic lessons in place of Greek, providing that their English is at an acceptable level. Teaching and learning Arabic holds an integral place at Campion Primary School. The Arabic Department aims to teach Arabic as a medium of understanding, expression, communication, and research. We aim to enable 9 each student to develop a good understanding of the language. Language teaching and culture teaching are not separated; therefore, students will have an understanding of the Arabic cultures.
Year 1
● Write and read correctly the Arabic alphabet, and respond to the short paragraph.
● Students are familiar with the numbers, colors and shapes.
Year 2
● Read and understand the simple formal text with emphasis on new vocabulary, opposites and synonyms.
● Students are familiar with Simple spelling and grammar rules.
● Write simple sentences.
Year 3
● Read, comprehend, and understand simple formal text with emphasis on vocabulary, opposite and synonyms.
● Students are familiar with simple spelling and grammar rules.
● Achieve a good standard in oral and written comprehension text.
Year 4&5
● Emphasis on developing a deeper comprehension of the formal Arabic text
● Writing complex sentences and building simple paragraphs in formal Arabic language.
● studying and writing short poems and stories
● Spelling and grammar rules
Year 6
● Emphasis on extending writing including use of past and present tense, active/passive pronouns /preposition and noun /Singular/dual/plural.
● Reading comprehension of more complex texts.
● Summaries and reports.
A great deal of consideration is given to the question of homework. Our children work hard throughout the day and should not have to spend too much time on further study at home. A little homework is good training, the beginnings of the self-discipline necessary for study later in Senior School. In addition, homework is a means by which parents can become more involved with their child’s education.
Our guideline for time to be spent on homework is as follows: Reception 10 minutes approximately Year 1 20 minutes Year 2 30 minutes Year 3 40 minutes Year 4 45 minutes Year 5 50 minutes Year 6 maximum 1-hour
Children transfer to the Senior School, which is on the same site, at the age of eleven. Since the curriculum is closely integrated with that of the Senior School, the pupils do not find the transition difficult from an academic point of view. However, the transfer is in all other respects a big step and we take care to make the change as easy as possible for our pupils. A detailed report on each pupil who transfers is sent up to the Senior School before the end of the summer term and this gives the Lower School tutors useful information to assist them in the most effective placing of pupils for the following term. During their final term the Year Six pupils are given the opportunity to meet the Year 7 tutor. Following this, they visit the Senior School and meet some of their future teachers. Prior to the start of school in September, parents of new Senior School children are invited to attend a meeting given by the Headmaster and his staff.