Extra-curricular activities


Music is a vital part of a child’s education. It is an integral part of the timetable from Nursery up to Year 9, during which time children develop their confidence in singing and playing musical instruments together. IGCSE and IB courses are offered later on for those who opt to continue.

In addition to our classroom teaching, we are supported by a team of peripatetic teachers who give one-to-one music lessons to those who would like to register. The majority of our teachers work for Athens orchestras such as ERT and the City of Athens Symphony Orchestra, and can be seen performing regularly. They specialise in preparing children for ABRSM music exams, which are held in school twice a year.

In both Junior and Senior schools orchestras and choirs meet regularly in preparation for major concerts at Christmas and in the spring in which children of all levels are encouraged to participate. Once a year Senior School Music and Drama departments collaborate to produce a Musical.

Recent graduates of our IB music course have been offered places at the Royal Northern College of Music, Leeds College of Music, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, and at various UK universities such as Edinburgh, Surrey and Hull.

Senior Extra-Curricular PE

PE is offered at all levels and Campion has a rich extracurricular sports programme in which good sportsmanship is considered the first essential.

Soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, rugby, track and field, cross-country and swimming are part of the PE curriculum. Senior teams hold sports practices after school and participate in both local and international events, including the World School Games and the COBIS games.

Sports activities start at 3.45pm and finish at 4.45pm. For the Senior School (years 7-13), there is a late bus that leaves the school at 5pm. This is a free service for all pupils, whether they use the normal bus service or not. Late bus routes can be found on our school website (www.campion.edu.gr).


Senior Clubs

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Campion has always taken Drama seriously. The Junior School holds two productions annually for children of all year groups. Junior staff work hard to create sets and costumes which are a delight to behold. Children put much time and effort into rehearsals to produce musicals and plays which both they and their parents are proud of.

Drama is a subject taught throughout the Senior School from Year 7 and is on offer both at IGCSE and IB.

The Senior School’s Drama and Music departments have a reputation for producing musicals of outstanding quality. Rehearsals are held after school and occasionally on weekends.


Campion school is divided into four smaller communities, the Houses: Alexander, Theseus, Heracles and Pericles. Each House is named after an inspirational figure and has a particular colour associated with it.

Pupils and teachers are allocated to one House and this remains the ‘House’ for their duration at the school. Throughout the year, a range of activities and competitions (Maths, Arts, PE games, Music, Sports Day, X-Country) are run by the school and pupils compete with each other for ‘House Points’. House Points are also given out on a daily basis to pupils for their performance in class: behaviour, work, progress in learning, extra-curricular activities.

The most important objective of this system is to promote team spirit, organisation and respect for the different abilities and talents of our pupils.

Model UN

Campion’s MUN club is stronger than ever, with active weekly participation. During our sessions we advise delegates, discuss MUN issues, debate and practice. 

Those students participating in Campion’s after school MUN sessions also compete in local MUN tournaments held at private Greek and English schools in Athens.

Campion also holds its own annual MUN event. Click on the CSMUN website  for information on the most recent event.


Forensics and debate offer a chance for pupils to develop their public speaking and presentation skills. Throughout their time at Campion, pupils use their presentation and communication skills in a wide variety of situations. The confidence that pupils gain from taking part in the annual Forensics speech and drama tournament  in Spring is evident, through the personal challenges of overcoming nerves, memorising lines and  writing original speeches. 

Debate stretches the most able minds in analysing topical issues and developing critical thinking skills. They learn to construct solid arguments, form rebuttals and persuasive techniques. Throughout the year, Campion debaters take part in several inter-school tournaments, international tournaments ( ICYD) and past pupils have been chosen for the World Schools Debate Team of Greece. 

There are novice competitions as well as a knock-out debate tournament (for Year 7) at the end of the school year. 

Campion Debate Club meets after school (and occasionally lunchtimes), with lower school and upper school groups, depending on age and experience.

Greek Dancing

Campion’s ‘Kouroi & Kores’ Greek Dancing group is an integral part of the school’s extra curricular activities. Lessons are open to pupils from Year 3 straight through to Year 13, bringing them closer to this aspect of Greek heritage and cultural wealth. The efforts of all students combine forces in the Annual Greek Dancing Evening. 

Furthermore, Greek Dancing is present at a plethora of important school events such as Graduation, MUN conferences, International Day, etc. Campion’s Greek dancers have also represented the school in charity events and performances in other parts of Greece and abroad.

Junior Clubs

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