Science Dept News!
Year 12 pupils have continued this term to guide Year 7/8 pupils in our weekly Science Club; from extracting strawberry DNA to making fruit batteries and magnetic slime, it’s been fun!
Year 12 pupils have continued this term to guide Year 7/8 pupils in our weekly Science Club; from extracting strawberry DNA to making fruit batteries and magnetic slime, it’s been fun!
On Sunday the 15th of December, Campion School had the honour of hosting the 1st Special Olympics Youth Leadership Conference & Workshop, which was organised in collaboration with Special Olympics Hellas and Socialinnov. Youth Leaders are young people between the ages of 14 and 24,
All children in Year 5 & 6 took part in the Primary Maths Challenge (PMC) during the week 18th- 22nd November. The PMC has been specifically created by the British Mathematical Association to give all pupils aged between 9 and 11 a fun and exciting
As part of the IPC topic “Mission To Mars”, Year 6 Children participated in a Space Academy assessment to explore key skills for space missions, including resilience, problem-solving, endurance, agility, and communication. Working in small teams, they completed a carousel of challenges, reflecting the collaborative
Last week’s Year 1 & 2 production of Santa’s Hat was a wonderful bit of holiday fun! Congratulations to all involved for such a entertaining performance!! ‘
The Senior Christmas Concert on Friday 13th December, despite the unluckiness of the date, resulted in an evening of delightful performances and beautiful music, accompanied by mulled wine and mince pies, of course. Well done to Mrs Helsby, staff and all the pupils involved.