Peter Tyrakis 2007

What IB subjects did you take and what were your favourite ones?

Mathematics (HL), Chemistry (HL), Biology (HL), English (SL),Geography (SL), Greek (SL)

My favourite subjects were Maths, Chemistry and Biology.

 What did you go on to study and where?

Medicine at the University of Cambridge. 

 What were some lasting highlights from your experience at Campion? Favourite teachers, incidents/people that contributed or made a difference to you/played a significant part in your academic and everyday school life/ What does Campion mean to you

It’s very difficult to point to a single event/person; Campion for me was made by the people within its walls. My friends and teachers together created a great place that will always bring back fond memories. I was very active in school sport and extracurricular activities which helped foster a sense of community.

Tell us a little bit about your life since leaving Campion

I began my medical course at the University of Cambridge. In my 3rd year, I was accepted onto the MB/PhD Programme that allows medical students to undertake a PhD between the 4th and 5th years of medical school. This allowed me to complete a period of laboratory-based research as well as to publish a peer-reviewed scientific article. I have now completed my PhD and have returned to my clinical studies, which I will be completing soon.  

 Do you still keep in touch with friends from Campion?

Yes, we keep in touch via Facebook.

Any Tips for students and parents?

Be bold and never think you can’t do it; aim high. If you plan to go to university, spend a lot of time on finding out what you would like to study and pick your subjects accordingly. Remember to keep a balance between work and play. Take advantage of as much of school life as possible and get involved with extracurricular activities. Most importantly, don’t take yourself too seriously and listen to the advice of your teachers.