The Junior School, which comprises Years 1 to 6 (ages 5-11), follows a programme rooted in the traditions and expectations of the new English National Curriculum but with a firmly international flavour. This is one of the great benefits of international education, and specifically Campion: there is a level of flexibility in the curriculum that reflects the environment in which pupils are growing up. The programme offers the best of both worlds; it is tailor-made to suit the school and our pupils.
English and Mathematics closely follow the new national curriculum, which has recently been updated, while other subjects are taught through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). The IPC allows pupils and teachers to work on cross-curricular themes, building learning links between the different subject areas.
Encompassing Science, History, Geography, Art, ICT and Technology, the IPC – which has similar learning outcomes to the English national curriculum – is used in schools across the world, encouraging a focus on academic, personal and international learning. The emphasis on the international is especially beneficial as pupils combine their knowledge of Greece with a view of the wider world.
Class teachers deliver all lessons except languages (Greek, Arabic or extra English), Physical Education and Music, which are taught by specialists. A limited amount of learning support is available for children who have specific learning needs.
Beyond the classroom, Years 3-6 are offered a variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs during the 45-minute lunch break. There are also a wide range of after-school clubs, including Latin dance, tennis, football and track and field.
The guides below provide further details on all areas of the curriculum.